Thursday, April 26, 2012

What is Your Food Pyramid?

If you were to type in on a search engine "Food Pyramids", you would be overwhelmed with all the varying pyramids the world has to offer. Each group telling us "This is how you should eat".  If they all state that their pyramid is the best, then who is telling the truth and who is deceived?  The answer is not cut and dry like you think I might say. 

No two people are exactly the same.  What my body needs may not be what your body needs.  My body may react differently to a particular food group, while yours has no reaction at all to the same thing.   However, there may be positive and/or negative reactions that occur that you may be unaware of, or did not associate the foods you are eating as the culprit to a symptom you have been experiencing.  This is another topic all together. 

One of the reasons of this blog entry is to first challenge you to evaluate realistically what your current lifestyle of eating actually looks like.  To do this I recommend tracking for a week what it is you are eating and writing it down (making no changes).  I don't want you to do this to be in bondage, rather so you simply know where you are at, especially if you want to start living a more healthy lifestyle.  After you have your week recorded, break up the food into categories keeping in mind an estimate of quantities.  For example, you might have had some nuts, but a palm full is a lot different than a bag full.  Categories I recommend breaking your intake into are:  Protein (meat, eggs, fish), Vegetables (raw, cooked, Starchy/ non starchy), Fruit (raw, dried), Grains (bread, pasta, Cereal, rice, etc.), Legumes, Dairy, Water, Oils, Fats and any others that you want. Be as specific as you want.  You can go online and find more details of this as you desire.  After you have your week of intake written down, guesstimate just how much of each category you do eat from greatest to least.  Follow this up by creating your current pyramid with the greatest amounts at the bottom and working your way up.   You can look online if you need a better idea of what this looks like, with other options beside horizontal lines.

Now what?  Fortunately, this is not the point where I tell you the right pyramid to live by.  I am not you, I do not know your body, and I don't know what your specific body needs.  But I know the one who does.  If you are a believer then you know Who I am talking about.  He is the person of the Holy Spirit.  He is the best teacher, counselor, guide that we could ever have.  He speaks to us in a still small voice and leads us down the path of blessing and prosperity.

 When I decided to start eating Paleo style it was not very difficult for me.  My trainer told me about it, I did some research, and then I spent time seeking the Lord.  I wanted to live in a way that benefited my particular body, and that I felt the Lord would bless.  I had the peace to proceed forward, I have not struggled with this choice since then.  It has been such an effortless change, and I never have the desire to "cheat".  Not only do I eat more clean, my skin looks better, I feel more energetic (although the first 3 weeks were hard energy wise till my body switched energy sources), and I don't get that constant bloated feeling I use to live with on a daily basis.  My family thanks me for that too. :)  This way fits me, so I am always reluctant when people ask me what I am doing because they want to "be like me" in this area of life. 

How to move forward from here.  After you have your starting pyramid evaluated, spend time seeking the Lord's direction.  A simple prayer, " Father, I desire to eat the way You think would benefit my specific physical needs.  Help me to know the way You want me to eat that I may glorify You in my body, benefit Your temple, and live a long healthy life here on earth.  I thank You that I have ears to hear, that You have given me a spirit of discipline and self control, and that Your Grace is sufficient for me in all things.  In the Name of Jesus I pray.  Amen!"

If you have never asked Jesus to be your Lord and Savior and would like to learn more about who He is and what He did so that you can have an abundant life, please feel free to contact me by leaving a comment.  I will be in touch ASAP.

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