Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Not All Calories Are Created Equal

Changing the way you think about food is a key factor to making healthier choices.  Before my heart transformation, I use to think that all calories were created equal.  I would measure and log in my food journal exactly what I consumed day to day, and would keep the total calories consumed under a designated amount.  For me at that time, I would consume no more than 1500 calories a day.  Yet, I was not losing weight.  "What gives?", I asked my friend, Chrissy Van Kirk who was very knowledgeable on this topic.  It boiled down to What I was consuming, rather than how much I was consuming.  My intake was high in carbohydrates, deficient in veggies, and as a whole, lacking in nutrient dense foods.  Yes, all foods whether it is a potato or a handful of strawberries are all converted into glucose upon digestion.  However, one (the potato) results in a super high insulin response, the other has a low insulin response due to it fiber content and naturally low sugar content.  As an added bonus  Strawberries and other nutrient dense foods are packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, and aids in disease prevention.  So, the simple change of thought in "not all calories are created equal" was a huge shift towards my overall healthy life.

I know it is hard in our fast paced world to reprogram the way we think.  Convenience may mean a quick fix for an instant form of gratification, but it lacks in long term benefits, and is detrimental to our health. 

Why is it that some people make a point not to smoke, chew tobacco, take drugs, or drink alcohol to avoid health complications (not to mention spiritual reason), yet they don't think twice about consuming half  a pizza, a few cans of pop, french fries, cookies, cake, fast food, etc, etc.?  My conclusion, people don't really believe that what they are doing is causing them harm.  They say things like, "Oh, it is okay in moderation" and, "A little won't hurt me." A friend I saw drinking a diet pop several month ago said to me that she didn't really believe that the chemicals in the pop would do anything negative in spite of the research showing otherwise.  Really?  So, if I don't believe in that gravity thing I keep hearing about, and I chose to jump off a cliff, I won't really get harmed because I don't believe in that stuff. As you pry my dead body off the ground you can tell me "I told you so".  Okay, so that is a bit extreme, but I am trying to get my point across. If we use the logic above, can I dabble in a little cocaine every now and then as long as it is in moderation?  Of course not!  And in reality if we are being honest with ourselves, we are not partaking of these things in moderation at all.  It is more of our way of life, and we are in denial just how much we are in fact partaking.  Haven't we been seeing first hand the effects of our American lifestyle?  We have more obese people than healthy.  Diabetes, heart disease, cancer patients are at an all time high.  Is this a coincidence or the natural consequences to the choices we have made catching up to us?

In Biblical times, what God gave us was our foods of choice.  "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it.  They will be yours for food.... God saw all that He had made, and it was very good." (Gen 1:29)  He gave us these non-processed, chemical free (organic) gifts for us to enjoy.  Food can taste good and be good for you, really.  Learning to use spices and natural resources to decorate your plate and nourish your body above the convenience of prepackaged meals, drive threw windows, and nutrient deficient foods.  It just takes a little time to think differently.  My heart has so changed in the way I think of food, you could not pay me to consume a fast food burger.  Speaking of which, my trainer saw something posted on FB and decided to do the experiment himself.  He ordered a burger and fries from a well known fast food joint, stapled the receipt to the bag, and has left it on his shelf at work.  I believe it has been up there for several months now.  No odor, no mold, to bugs, no rats I kid you not.  I am sorry, but if mold, bugs and rats won't consume this "food", why would I want to ingest this into my body?  By His Grace and the renewing of my mind, I now respect and value my body far greater than the instant gratification of fast food or any other food that doesn't bring value and health to my temple.  I believe that you will also get to the place where you will see your body as such.  "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?  You are not your own, you were bought with a price. Therefore, honor God with your body." (1 Cor 6:19)  We would not think of filling our new car up with sugar, pouring grease on the carpets of our home, or using a chemical like bleach on our new designer jeans.  Why?  Because we know the value of these items.  Let us start seeing the true value in our own bodies and chose to treat it better than an inanimate object.  I don't write all this for you to feel condemned with each bite of food you take, that is never my intention... I write all this for you to be empowered, to remove the Vail from you eyes that the enemy would like to keep on, because he would love to keep you right where you are at.  What benefit to your purpose on earth will you be if you stay on an unhealthy road which leads to continual destruction, destruction of your temple, that is?

SIDE NOTE: Organic does not automatically mean Healthy.  It means grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, toxic pesticides, genetically modified organisms or artificial flavors and irradiation.  So eating a waffle mix from a squeeze can purchased at a whole foods store that reads Organic doesn't equate to a healthy choice and nutritious for your body.  LOL!  This was an actual purchase from a friend of mine. ;0)

Healthy on the go food items that you can pre-make, have ready to go when hungry, stick in your car or purse:

- portion out in sandwich bags:  walnuts, shredded coconut, and dark choc chips (the darker the better)
- lara bars-  You can even make these for a less expensive version
- piece of fruit like an apple, orange or banana - no packaging needed
- pre-make small salads and store in fridge.  using olive oil and vinegar as dressing. add fork to the container for easy grab and go (cooler bag needed)
- Make your own nutrient dense healthy cookies
- sugar and sulfate free dried fruit pre -portioned
- veggie chips that You make-  slice, spray with olive oil, salt and slowly dry in oven

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